For over 95 years, Auto-Owners has been dedicated to the independent agency system. Auto-Owners is proud to be ranked among the Fortune 500 every year since 2002, and written premium is over $5 billion.
Comprised of five property and casualty companies and one life/health/annuity insurer, the group is recognized for exceptional financial strength and stability among the nation's largest insurers.
Types of insurance offered
Call Hammersmith at 1.800.852.7276 to get an insurance quote that's right for you today!
- Home Insurance
- Auto Insurance
- Business Insurance
To make a payment or report a claim
Call AAHammersmith at 1.800.852.7276 to get in touch with your Auto Owners agent. You will be able to make a payment or report a claim over the phone.
Or visit the Auto Owners Website